The Patient Referral Service exists to assist callers in finding a new physician. We update physician information daily through close contact with local physician’s offices. Referrals are made based on this information, according to specialty and location. We also answer public and physician office inquiries about physician credentialing and new physicians in the community.
The Fort Wayne Medicine Quarterly is published quarterly and is sent to each active member. The Quarterly contains area news including updates on activities of the Fort Wayne Medical Society, The Center for Medical Education, Fort Wayne Medical Education Program, hospital news, and CME program. It also contains editorials and articles on important developments in medicine—local, state and national in scope.

The Legislative Committee of the Fort Wayne Medical Society works with the American Medical Association and the Indiana State Medical Association to support the positions of organized medicine. The Society also encourages one- on- one contact with our local Legislators at all levels of government.
The Medical Society and the Alliance jointly sponsor an annual Legislative Seminar and Reception which is well-attended by all area Legislators.